Para começar, algo verdadeiramente interessante, uma visão rápida da história geopolítica da Europa e arredores.
First of all, something really interesting, a quick review of the geopolitical history of Europe and neighbouring regions.
Agora um projecto que me parece louvável: um website onde se enumeram as várias situações em que a Bíblia se contradiz, com direito a citação das frases em que isso se verifica. Já muita gente sabe que a Bíblia se contradiz, e nem é só nas diferenças entre o velho e o novo testamento, mas mesmo dentro de cada um. No entanto estes erros, por não serem só em detalhes "históricos", mas também de incoerência na mensagem transmitida, servem não para nos dar novidades, mas para contradizer os crentes cegos da "palavra" que têm a mania de cumprir e mandar cumprir à letra o que leram algures no livro que é para eles sagrado. O site permite a pesquisa das contradições por localização mas também por temática e ainda destaca na página inicial algumas situações mais graves de erros científicos ou indicações incoerentes a nível de discriminação de género ou sexualidade. É assim fácil mostrar o erro gigante que comete quem se propõe a seguir sem reservas o exemplo que retira da Bíblia, não só por poder enganar-se gravemente na sua interpretação mas também porque o livro em si não tem uma única mensagem clara e coerente para passar aos seguidores da religião que representa. Ler a Bíblia como inspiração ou até por interesse literário ou histórico-mitológico parece-me óptimo, mas querer encontrar nela uma base ou comprovativo para definir regras e comportamentos sociais é terrível.
Now for something completely different, a project that I must commend: a website where the multiple cases of contradiction within the Bible are enumerated and quoted. Of course it is widely known that the Bible has numerous contradictions and not even limited to the differences between the two testaments. However, these mistakes, not only in "historical" details but also showing incoherence in the message transmitted, are good arguments against those believers that seem to want to follow blindly what they read there and make other do the same. The site allows one to search by location along the Bible but also by theme and it also highlights some situations of serious scientific mistakes and incoherent indications in terms of gender or sexual orientation discrimination. Thus it is quite ease to demonstrate the enormous error that someone commits when following literally and without reserve or critique whatever example one takes from the Bible, not only because of the possible interpretation mistakes but also because the book itself doesn't even have a clear and coherent message to pass to the believers. To read the Bible as an inspiration or for literary or historical and mythological interest seems perfectly fine, but to try and use it to define the rules and right behaviours in human society is terribly wrong.
Now for something completely different, a project that I must commend: a website where the multiple cases of contradiction within the Bible are enumerated and quoted. Of course it is widely known that the Bible has numerous contradictions and not even limited to the differences between the two testaments. However, these mistakes, not only in "historical" details but also showing incoherence in the message transmitted, are good arguments against those believers that seem to want to follow blindly what they read there and make other do the same. The site allows one to search by location along the Bible but also by theme and it also highlights some situations of serious scientific mistakes and incoherent indications in terms of gender or sexual orientation discrimination. Thus it is quite ease to demonstrate the enormous error that someone commits when following literally and without reserve or critique whatever example one takes from the Bible, not only because of the possible interpretation mistakes but also because the book itself doesn't even have a clear and coherent message to pass to the believers. To read the Bible as an inspiration or for literary or historical and mythological interest seems perfectly fine, but to try and use it to define the rules and right behaviours in human society is terribly wrong.
Para terminar, algo que me fez sorrir. Não que eu esteja a preparar algum livro. Pelo menos não agora. Talvez um dia.
Something that made me smile. Not that I have any book to publish. At least not now. I might try it eventually. Just need to spend a few more years eating chocolate, raking leaves and buy a typewriter.

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