Friday, 28 June 2013


After reading a post on Brain Pickings on A Cat-Hater’s Handbook, I decided I'd come and talk about my cats but because now I don't feel like talking at all - I'll end up complaining too much of all the destruction they are causing - I'll just show some pictures of them.

They are called Thor and Loki and this has been their (almost complete) first year, one I'll probably remember as my home's ragnarok. Enjoy :)

The last one was taken two days ago, under this surprising and overwhelming heat wave we're experiencing here, which makes them sleep all day or at least be generally even lazier than usual (not during the night, sadly).

And now I'll leave you with this other awesome  Brain Pickings post:
T. S. Eliot’s Iconic Vintage Verses About Cats, Illustrated and Signed by Edward Gorey